It' summer, its New York and its hot as a motherfucker. With temperature rising, tensions rise and patience wears down to the point of uncontrollable breakability. With that mind set and image, that is the backdrop to
Do The Right Thing. Written, directed and starring
Spike Lee as Mookie, a pizza delivery boy in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, this film depicts the racial and regular tensions of New York City life. Packed with an all star cast featuring
Danny Aiello, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, John Turturro and springing the careers of
Rosie Perez, Martin Lawrence and
Samuel L Jackson,
Do the Right Thing is a staple in New York cinema and film history. As temperature and racial tensions rise in this neighborhood, Mookie is left to make a decision of standing up for what he believes in or falling victim to ignorance. The film not only provides a very interesting and complex story that even today 20 years after it's release it is still relevant, but by the end has you asking, "does Mookie do the right thing?" The film is backed by an amazing soundtrack as well as the
Public Enemy track "Fight the Power," which displays the films timelessness as well as relevance today.