From the band's start, NME tagged you as well as fellow UK acts Bloc Party, Franz Ferdinand and Athlete as the "Art Wave," sceansters in British music. Did you appreciate being labeled right away? Or did you want to break away and be your own act?
EA: I dont think we sound like any of those bands. We've been around for ages so we've been labeled loads of different things. Art Wave, Londons Burning, The New Cross Scene. Etc You cant really avoid it. You just have to get on with it and ignore the labels.
Your latest record was produced by longtime fan and legend Frank Black. What was it like having such a legend guiding your work?
EA: Brilliant and the fact he liked our songs gave us a lot of confidence
Were you nervous having Black Francis work on your record as opposed to any other producer?
EA: At first. But Frank Black is such a brilliant funny easy to get a long with person that any nerves soon vanished. We supported the Pixies recently and it wasn't until after seeing them play I got nervous around him again.
Three albums in, critics are finally saying you have matured. How do you respond to this?
EA: I disagree. We haven't matured one bit.
Who are the DC Comics characters that inspired the song "DC Comics and Chocolate Milkshakes"? Any love for Marvel characters? What about Vanilla milkshakes?
EA: Booster Gold is my favourite DC Character. I was reading his comic and drinking a chocolate Milk Shake when I had the idea for the song. I nearly called the song Boosterific after his short lived catchphrase. But thought it might be a bit too obscure. I like some Marvel comics. Captin America is very good at the moment. Banana Milkshakes are also tasty.
A few years ago you toured with your American counterpart, The Hold Steady. What was that experience like?
EA: Fun. It seems so long ago now.
Many people say you and Hold Steady front man Craig Finn have similar writing styles. Will there ever be a collaboration between the two acts?
EA: I think we're both way too busy.
As an English band, is it still a big deal for a UK act to break big in the US?
EA: I really like touring in America, so its a reasonably big deal for me. I dont care about breaking through in a massive way. But I do like the fact we are able to tour here regularly and it not break the bank.
What does 2010 hold for Art Brut?
EA: Another album more touring. The first half of this year will be taken up with Everybody Was In The French Resistance..Now my side project whose album was out in early Feb on Cooking Vinyl. We will be touring both sides of the Atlantic. and are playing SXSW so that'll be keeping me busy.
Burning Question: Who won the battle between Art Brut and Satan?
EA: Its still going on. So far it is a draw. Maybe we'll call the next album 'Art Brut VS Satan- Ding, Ding Round 2'
Video for "Alcoholic's Unanimous" (Above) / Video for "Formed a Band" (Below)
Special thanks to Eddie and Grace Jones for this interview!