From the beginning we've always written our own songs, we did a wide range of covers by bands that we liked as well as our own material. We've always loved writing songs and I think as we kept writing over the first couple of years we developed our current sound.
Who are some of your influences?
We all have such varied influences, from 60's artists such as the Zombies and Beatles to the more electro 80's vibe which I think really comes through, especially on the newer material you'll be hearing.
We all have such varied influences, from 60's artists such as the Zombies and Beatles to the more electro 80's vibe which I think really comes through, especially on the newer material you'll be hearing.
How is the new record in comparison to “Started a Fire”?
We were all so young when we recorded 'started a fire' I think its a great snapshot of where we were at the time but we've all grown up a bit and I think that’s really obvious as soon as you hear it. We've brought out the more electronic sounds a lot more, I think it'll get a lot 80's comparisons, but the songs themselves are just great pop songs.
The album was supposed to come out last year and was pushed back to this year. What happened? Did you end up reworking songs and/or adding new ones?
There was a lot of reworking the songs and its where the delay came from, we have a whole batch of songs that didn't make it onto the album. We are aware that it's been a while for the fans but I think its been worth it, and i'm sure they'll feel the same when they hear it.
When you announced that the record was done, you also mentioned that your original drummer left the band and was replaced by George’s brother and former Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong drummer – James Craig. Did James leave Joe Lean just to aid his brother? How has this new formula worked without a founding member of the band?
James' departure from Joe Lean had nothing to do with the fact that he's George’s brother, it was the fact that we needed a new drummer and we have all known James for years which made the transition easier for everyone. It was a really rough period for everyone, and it did affect us, but the chemistry between us all feels really good and we're ready to get back to doing what we love most which is going out and playing for people.
Something I found very interesting to your marketing of your band was One Night Only Wednesday’s on Youtube. Who came up with this idea? Who gets to decide was content will be tossed on Youtube for fans to catch?
It was an idea we all had when we first started work on he second record as a way to keep the fans involved while we weren’t releasing anything or gigging. Most of the credit has to go to Jack who puts it all together, I guess he gets the most input on what goes in but we all get to see it before it goes up online and suggest changes.
You did a small tour of the US earlier this year, when can we expect you back?
We have rough plans to come back early next year, we had such a great time at SXSW and in New York, can't wait to get back and see a bit more of the country.
Your New York show was taped and used for Burberry fashion show. Is the famous British clothing company dressing the band now? If so, can I get a few samples of shirts (I take Medium)?
The band has a really great connection with Burberry stemming from the modeling work George has done. I wouldn't say they are dressing us, but we do get a couple of samples to wear. The clothes are absolutely amazing and if I get your address I’ll try and scam something for you!
I ask this to every foreign act I speak with and I get various answers, is it still a big deal for a foreign act to break big in the US?
Absolutely! Its defiantly something we as a band we have our sights set on. We know that it is extremely difficult for even a domestic band so we're not kidding ourselves, we know there’s a lot of hard work ahead. We're just really looking forward to giving it a try on this record, if we don't get anywhere, we'll be back on the next!