Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Live Review - Klaxons @ Bowery Ballroom

Klaxons - Bowery Ballroom 9/20/10 by Leah Marchesano*

Nothing could have amounted to the excitement that was waiting in the room as over 400 hundred anxious New Yorkers, Australians and Brits (to name a few), anxiously awaited Klaxons to take the stage. I was one of those many New Yorkers who have been waiting 3 years for the return of the British New Ravers and nothing could have prepared me for what was in store.

I was accompanied to the show by a friend of mine, who even though he is only one year younger has much to learn about concert etiquette. To humor him, I met him at the Bowery Ballroom one hour before the doors opened. We waited on a line of about 5 people before being let inside the venue a half hour early. As soon as we walked downstairs I showed my buddy how to get free merchandise. It's amazing how easily you can impress someone simply by pulling posters off the wall. We waited in the lounge for about an hour, watching the crowd pile in, listening to the bands sound check. Finally, we were allowed to gather upstairs and of course we made it right to the front of the stage.

The opening band was called, Baby Monster, a Electro Rock band from Los Angeles. If I had known that one of their songs is called 'Ultra Violence and Beethoven', perhaps I would have connected with them more. What's cooler than referring to A Clockwork Orange? Baby Monster was able to hold the crowd's attention, however, I don't think the crowd was as enthusiastic as they would have liked. To be fair, after listening to a few of their songs, it began to get too monotonous and I found myself looking at my watch waiting for them to end their set. After Baby Monsters ended they began breaking down their equipment and Klaxons roadies began setting the stage for our beloved Brits. It's a show in itself watching gear being set up, it kept the crowd entertained. Finally, the countdown began.

The lights dimmed and Klaxons opening track started playing. We all watched a dark stage and about one minute later James Righton, Jamie Reynolds, Simon Taylor and Steffan Halperin took the stage. They started their set off with 'Flashover' off their new album, Surfing The Void. The rest of their set was comprised of a perfect combination of old favorites ('As Above So Below', 'Gravity's Rainbow') and new soon-to-be favorites including 'Echoes', 'Cam Trees' and 'Venusia'. The crowd was perfect, at least from where I was standing it was perfect. Even the dust flying off the stage could have been mistaken for glitter. Klaxons were feeding off our energy, a few times if seemed as if they couldn't believe how much love we were giving back to them. The band closed the show with 'Atlantis To Interzone' which sent the crowd into a frenzy. After waiting 3 years for their return, we still loved them just as much if not more. We were struck by the force that is a Klaxon lightning bolt. A strong sense of power and wonder shook through our bodies and we came out with a realization that no matter how long we waited, in the end, it was all worth it.

Klaxons Bowery Ballroom 9/20/10 Set List:
As Above So Below
Same Space
Gravity's Rainbow
Gloden Skans
Twin Flames
Two Receivers
Calm Trees
Future Memories
It's Not Over Yet
Surfing The Void
Atlantis To Interzone

*Leah Marchesano is a corresponding writer for She co-manages the music label Merrifield Records and manages New York acts The Royal Chains, Wildlyfe and Asa Ransom.