Friday, August 19, 2011


The remaining of Pukkelpop 2011 has been canceled due to the fatalities and devastation that occurred yesterday at the festival. In a translated statement, organizers of the event said:

Pukkelpop is in deep mourning. We feel much sympathy to the families and friends of the victims. Words can not describe. We can therefore not easy to reconcile the festival continue to take place. Therefore, we decided to Pukkelpop 2011 for the rest of the weekend to stop.

What happened here is exceptional and has been very unpredictable. We are very touched by all the spontaneous help that our festival goers and we received.

We call on all Pukkelpop Press on to a serene way back home again. There are extra buses and trains loaded to everyone back home.

Many of you are undoubtedly a lot of practical questions, we urge you to focus on this

We ask everyone to bring understanding to this very difficult decision.