As the fall kicks in and Halloween just around the corner, we all look to get a bit frightened and a bit suspenseful. Horror movies are in demand and that sense of jumping fear is what we aim for. For this month we turn to Spain for a film that may not frighten you the way
The Exorcist or
Friday the 13th would, but will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Guillermo Del Toro with the help of
Pedro Almodavar, presented a different kind of ghost story in 2001. The film,
The Devil's Backbone chronicles a young boy who is abused in a orphanage and is curious to hear the urban legend of the ghost the walks the grounds of the orphanage. Once the boy see's the ghost, things begin to turn upside down for all of the mortal beings at the orphanage. A stunning and suspenseful film that we could only expect from Del Toro and one to check out, especially this time of the year.